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We invite applications for the IJAR Young Researcher Award, which is granted by the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning (IJAR).

The prize will be awarded to one (or more) young researchers for excellent research in the area of imprecise probabilities. IJAR will make available a total of 1000 Euros, in order to support the attendance of ISIPTA'13 (or also related conferences) by partially reimbursing expenses for travel, acommodation, registration etc.

The award is open to Master students, PhD students and young post-doc researchers who received their PhD after ISIPTA'11 and who have demonstrated excellence in research on imprecise probabilities. (The corresponding stage of the career is taken into account in the judgement.) Note that in order to apply for the award, it is NOT a necessary condition to have a paper accepted at ISIPTA'13.

Applications have to be sent to Teddy Seidenfeld,, no later than 15 June 2011 (hard deadline), and shall include the following material:

  1. a CV, including a list of publications
  2. contact details of the applicant's supervisor(s)
  3. a research statement of up to four pages describing the main results of the research as well as aims of further research
  4. up to three publications (including thesis, preprints etc.)

A committee consisting of the members of the Program Committee Board of ISIPTA'13 (Fabio Cozman (Sao Paulo), Thierry Denoeux, Sébastien Destercke (both Compiègne, France), Teddy Seidenfeld (Pittsburgh) will review the applications and make a decision before the ISIPTA meeting, notify the winner(s), and announce the result via the SIPTA mailing list. */

The winners are:

Gold Award Andrea Wiencierz (Germany)
Ignacio Montes Gutierrez (Spain)
Honorable Mention      Rocco De Rosa (Italy)

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